

What is the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) service?

Everyday operations in business and industry, transport, household activities –  everything leaves an imprint on nature. Usually these negative influences go unnoticed. However, all this in the long run is extremely harmful to nature and at any moment can turn like a boomerang against us. Poisoned ecosystem will mean poisoning of water and food, as...

What are the most sought after services in the field of ecology?

Environmental consulting services are a way to modernize our production and take care of the environment, respecting not only legal regulations, but also our civic conscience. Until now, most companies in Bulgaria managed as best they could, and things were quite one-sided – environmental regulations for business were expressed in paying a regular garbage fee....

When do we need to use a professional environmental consulting service?

Environmental consulting services have long been respected in the West, where regulations in this area are much stricter and strictly observed by both citizens and authorities. In our country, people are just beginning to mature for the idea that there is no way a big business can exist without realizing the impact it has on...

Types of consulting services in the field of ecology

Nowadays, companies of all industries and calibers face responsibilities and problems of an environmental nature. On the one hand, this is because the adverse effects of climate change are becoming more and more evident in our lives. An increasing part of society is beginning to see environmental protection as its personal responsibility and to strive...

Nature and importance of environmental management

Ecology is a part of biology to which we pay more and more attention nowadays. In the 17th century, a Flemish scientist named Jan van Helmont, called the father of pneumatic chemistry, discovered the substance carbon dioxide. He then called it “wood” or “wood” gas (gas sylvestre), noticing its ability to be released when burning...

How do you provide consultant services in the field of ecology?

Historically, in the past, the human race has unfortunately done enormous damage to the nature around us. This has been done mostly through negligence, but also from a sheer lack of awareness about the harm of waste in general and hazardous waste in particular. All this has contributed to the state of affairs as we...

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