The national and European legislative framework settles the responsibility for preventing and remedying environmental damage, such as damage to protected species and habitats, surface water and groundwater and soil, while respecting the “polluter pays” principle and the principle of sustainable development.

The following have been legislatively defined:

  1. Environmental damage and the imminent threat of such damage
  2. The rights and obligations of operators
  3. The procedures for selecting and implementing preventive and remedial measures, includingpublic consultations
  4. The property liability of operators, and
  5. The financial and economic organisation for the provision of environmental damage prevention and environmental remediation activities.

The Law applies in cases of environmental damage caused or imminent threat of environmental damage caused by an act or omission:

  1. As a result of carrying out certain activities
  2. As a result of carrying out activities outside the designated, where the operator or a third party has acted guilty and the result has caused damage to protected species and natural habitats
  3. As a result of diffuse pollution, where it is possible to establish a causal link between the activity of an individual operator and an imminent threat of environmental damage or environmental damage caused by that activity.

Environmental damage is damage to: 

  1. Protected species and natural habitats which cause a significant negative impact on the achievement or preservation of their favourable conservation status:
  2. Waters which cause a significant negative impact on the ecological, chemical or quantitative status of surface water and groundwater and the status of marine waters
  3. Soils which pose a significant risk to human health as a result of contamination by direct or indirect introduction into, on or below the soil of substances, preparations, organisms or micro-organisms.

The significance of the impact shall be assessed on the basis of the underlying condition by measurable data in accordance with specified criteria.

The type of preventive and remedial measures in the cases provided for by the law, as well as the minimum amount of the costs for their implementation are determined by an ordinance of the Minister of Environment and Water.This ordinance governs the terms and conditions for determining, the type of preventive and remedial measures in case of imminent threat of environmental damage or environmental damage caused and the minimum amount of costs for their implementation.

In order to determine preventive and remedial measures, operators carrying out the activities referred to by law shall have the obligation to prepare their own assessment of possible cases of imminent threat of environmental damage and of cases of environmental damage caused.

The assessment shall be carried out before the start of operations and/or before the commissioning of the new facilities and installations, updating it in the case of changes in the activities carried out.

When preparing the assessment, measures are envisaged to prevent an imminent threat of environmental damage, which shall be determined according to the following indicators:

  1. The modification of the quantitative and/or qualitative parameters of facilities and installations
  2. The modification of the physical parameters of facilities and installations
  3. Other deviations from normal operating mode.

The measures shall be developed for all activities carried out by the operator, sites, machinery, equipment, installations.

Our team assesses and supports the risk management of environmental damage from implemented or upcoming projects, as well as the potential for environmental problems to affect a project.We promote sustainable practices and solutions.

Monitoring environmental performance and emergency planning are therefore important aspects of our service.

Naturally, project risks to the environment such as pollution incidents, floods or other risks can occur at any stage of the project lifecycle.

Preventing and resolving them requires different competencies and approaches, what brings them together, though is the need for professional expertise and practical experience of specialists who understand where the risks will arise and how they can be prevented for the components of the environment during each stage of your project.

Environmental damage can have dramatic consequences for your business, not only financially, but also for the reputation of your company.

Globally, authorities and businesses are increasingly sensitive to environmental issues.And the legal provisions on environmental liability, as well as their implementation, have become stricter.

We help businesses in almost every sector identify and understand environmental risks and implement cost-effective measures to minimise these risks.

Our services ensure that you meet the regulatory requirements and through preventive measures you will protect yourself from risks related to environmental damage.

For more information or assistance on a specific case, contact us now:

Phone: +359 879 222 849

Email: info@ecoabonament.bg

Address: 1592 Sofia, Iskar district, 2 Obikolno Str., office No. 2.

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