

Ways of waste treatment

In the course of our daily lives each of us participates in the generation of household waste, which must be collected, sorted, recycled and possibly recycled in order to stop their impact on the environment and the planet in which we live. Waste treatment Batteries Most batteries are recyclable. Depending on the type, for some...

Waste management – why it is important and what steps we should follow

What is ecology? Ecology is a science that studies the interaction of organisms and their environment . The object of her research are ecosystems, life in terrestrial, aquatic, soil and organic environments. In recent years, the term ecology has become increasingly associated with nature conservation, bioequilibrium restoration, the effects of pollution and climate change on...

What do specific waste streams include?

People are the ones who pollute the planet . And while before the age of technology, generated waste did not threaten the bioequilibrium, modern society faces problems , such as species extinction, dangers to the health of the population, disturbed purity of nature, climate change. The world economy creates different products and modern life predetermines...

How to build a new site for waste activities?

The garbage that people generate every day is growing. For this reason, recycling waste is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Huge amounts of unnecessary items and substances are collected, transported, stored, processed and destroyed. In Bulgaria all these activities are regulated by Waste Management Act . Its main purpose is to ensure the...

Biodegradable waste – what to do with it?

What does biodegradable waste mean? Biodegradable waste is any product that can be easily degraded naturally In the process the organic forms of matter are broken down into simpler units. The substance decomposes and eventually returns to the soil. This nourishes the soil. Biodegradable waste is also called green, recyclable, food or organic waste ....

The extraction of metals in space is possible

The cosmos is a vast whole that humanity has always strived for. It holds the truth about our origins, and some believe it contains many of the answers to the future of the human race. Many scientists, thinkers and space enthusiasts think that somewhere there are waiting for us a bunch of useful raw materials,...

Why is recycling important?

Nowadays, each of the different theses on environmental pollution has their supporters and their opponents. Many believe in the human impact on the global warming process, others reject it. Others believe that recycling is “pointless.” This is a big mistake, because it depends on the health of the planet as our main and currently only...

What do we need to know about household waste disposal?

Basic characteristics of municipal waste A large proportion of daily generated junk around the world are things that each of us separates as unnecessary in our daily lives. This is waste of the type: food and beverage packaging boxes plastics batteries biodegradable products paper fabrics glass metals ceramic nylons and others Residents of large and...

What do we need to know about construction waste disposal?

Types of waste Waste can be generally divided into household, industrial and construction. The latter, as their name suggests, are all those rubbish that are the result of construction, installation and repair work. These are processes related to new construction, reconstruction or demolition of old buildings. Construction waste includes: various stone or concrete materials bricks...

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