The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the formal process for predicting possible environmental and human health impacts from the construction and operation of investment proposals for construction, activities and technologies or their modifications or extensions, at the early stage of their exploration and development, before a decision is taken on their implementation in a specific location.
The results of the EIA are mandatory to be taken into account in the design, construction and operation of investment proposals.
The effects shall be determined by an overview of the baseline conditions and parameters measured against the predicted results.
In accordance with the Environmental Protection Act (EPA), the EIA can be fully combined in the preparation of preliminary (pre-investment) studies or design assignments, carried out before the act of earliest approval under special law, which determines the nature, place and capacity of the investment proposal.
With the specific intentions, the relevant special law is the Spatial Development Act or the Water Act or other special laws.
The EIA identifies, describes and evaluates appropriately and, on a case-by-case basis, any information on the implementation of the investment proposal:
- Direct and indirect impacts on biodiversity and its elements, including flora and fauna, soil, water, air, climate and landscape, earth insides, material and cultural heritage and their interaction
- Information on the main processes to be carried out, capacity (including facilities where hazardous substances are expected to be present), total area used
- Information on ancillary or support activities, technical infrastructure (roads/streets, gas pipeline, power lines, etc.)
- Excavation data
- Data on proximity to or affecting elements of the National Ecological Network, sites subject to health protection and cultural heritage sites, expected cross-border impact, prerequisites for major accidents with hazardous substances
- Information on natural resources intended for use during construction and operation, intended water abstraction for drinking, industrial and other needs – by public water supply or use of surface water or groundwater, necessary quantities
- Estimated quantity and type of waste water formed by streams (domestic, industrial, etc.), methods provided for ways of treating them (sewage treatment plant / facility, etc.), removal and discharge into a sewage system / surface water body / watertight cesspool, etc.
- Substances to be emitted from the activity where contact with water takes place or is possible
- Estimated total emissions of harmful substances into the air by pollutants
- Wastes expected to be generated and planning of their treatment
- Estimated quantities, type and classification of hazardous substances.
The environmental impact assessment process of an investment project is key to its sustainable development and implementation.
It identifies whether an environment can be affected by the project and how the project may be affected by its environment.
It also suggests opportunities to improve the environment.
The EIA procedure goes through several statutory stages, which are mandatory, according to the Bulgarian legislation.
Our team provides advice, support and preparation of all necessary documentation at all stages of the EIA, including:
- Early identification of likely environmental effects of development to inform planners and avoid unnecessary costs and delays
- Development of mitigation strategies: to avoid, reduce and minimise potential effects and to ensure compliance with legislation
- Provision of objective, well-structured and technically justified documentation complying with the legal framework.
We work closely with our clients and, where necessary, with other consultant experts to ensure that all potential environmental impacts are considered in an integrated manner.
We also provide assistance and support to our clients in fulfilling the planning conditions, environmental support on site, applying for permits, etc., so that your project can be approved and implemented as soon as possible.
For more information or assistance on a specific case, contact us now:
Phone: +359 879 222 849
Address: 1592 Sofia, Iskar district, 2 Obikolno Str., office No. 2.